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Poster: Jacky Hughes Date: Oct 26, 2011 1:06pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

Yes, agreed.
Kind of reflects the 'real' world though, n'est-ce pas ?

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Poster: robthewordsmith Date: Oct 26, 2011 1:32pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

I think sometimes people make the mistake of acting as if this place were an extension of their everyday world, and really it isn't. It's a different kind of space with its own evolving rules that are often pretty much being made up on the fly. It might reflect the 'real' world - but it's by way of a distorting mirror.

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Poster: Jacky Hughes Date: Oct 26, 2011 1:58pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

Very true Rob.

People tend to say things, take stances or generally behave on the internet in ways that they would not dream of doing in face to face situations.

Personalities become somewhat exaggerated in both positive and negative ways.

I suppose people get an artificial sense of anonymity.

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Poster: rastamon Date: Oct 26, 2011 3:53pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

aint that the truth, Jacky Hughes. It's good to have all the sub-forums to vent or post with our varied handles and causes. "I suppose people get an artificial sense of anonymity". Of course, or else we would be posting with our real names, and with real consequences, good or bad.
This post was modified by rastamon on 2011-10-26 22:53:47

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Poster: Jacky Hughes Date: Oct 27, 2011 10:02am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

Well certainly in my case, it's true, I wouldn't say boo to a goose normally.

But does that mean that you aren't actually Jamaican, living exclusively on an Ital diet, contemplating the spirit within Emperor Haile Selassie I, whilst awaiting the Black Star liner to carry I and I away to the spiritual home of Ethiopia and hoping to leave Babylon forever ?

Crikey, I am disappointed ;)

Yours huggingly,

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Poster: William Tell Date: Oct 26, 2011 11:20pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

My problem is just the opposite...I am the caring overly sensitive sop you take me for; chatting up ladies, worried about offending, taking offense too easily...all these things are exactly as folks see me in the real world.

The best example here was how NC hating me for appearing to "put on a smoking jacket" when posting; then he realized that's the way I talk, and we become chums.

And the biggest one of all? Control freak nature, anal retentive that has to be in charge...any circle of friends from any time period of my life will admit to you: "yeah, that over-bearing jerk always was the leader of our little group; not sure why..."

Sound familiar? No pat on the back--in fact, I am trying to break myself of this insane need for recognition and love and attn, so what do I do? Stop posting as much...

Go figure...I am as transparent as them come.

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Poster: Jacky Hughes Date: Oct 27, 2011 9:54am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

Very interesting El Tell ...

I don't think I have ever encountered a control freak who was caring and over sensitive.
I can see how the caring / over sensitive bit would fit in with your self-confessed giving-a-shit quality. But where does the whining fit in ?
Do you whine whilst trying to impose your will over a group ?

Control freakery and caring / over sensitive together would definitely qualify you instantly as PM in this country.
Consider Tony Blair and David Cameron. Both utter control freaks with a thin veneer of fake caring and sensitivity. If you can do both of those for real, well you'd be in.

Gordon Brown; just a charmless control freak. See where that got him.

WT for PM, I say ;0)

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Poster: William Tell Date: Oct 27, 2011 2:38pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

It's in the "I gotta have my way" aspect...of course, since I am always mustering my most logical arguments to win the day, and never letting things drop without the last word, perhaps it doesn't fit the "whining" defn.

Folks at times have observed something along the lines of "there's Tell again...whining about we all have to be nice to each other--grow up, Tell!" (when I took the PM role here seriously--I would've been chiming in with advice to EVERYONE participating in ANY bash and forth exchange of insults as what happened in this thread; now I largely ignore it).

That might not be whining so much as excessive "coercion" to fall in line (my line of course)?

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Poster: rdenirojb87 Date: Oct 27, 2011 9:58am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

PM of Curmudgeonry maybe :P

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Poster: Jacky Hughes Date: Oct 27, 2011 10:03am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: That's just the way it is - some things never change (Non Dead)

Who Tell ?

No way, Rab maybe.